Saturday, January 9, 2016

Special Watercolour

Sorry I didn't get anything posted yesterday -  it was a busy day getting ready for my Grandson's 4th birthday.  It's amazing how time flys.  We had a nice quiet family celebration with some adults of the family and today he was bowling and celebrating with his cousins and friends.

So, I didn't get any arting done yesterday, but I did deliver this piece to a dear friend of mine who has started a new job.  It's done on a canvas and with watercolour.  I found it very relaxing to do this piece.
I brushed on two layers of watercolour in the layers that you see - let them dry for a couple of days and then I took a big wet brush to create the "white" space in the middle to put the words.  Because I wanted it to be "perfect" I actually used a stencil to put down the letters with black marker and then outlined them with white marker.
The flowers and vines were drawn on with pencil, outlined in marker and again, I used a smaller brush to create white space in each petal and leaf in order to get truer colours.  Finally I did a little bit of doodling - just to add that little extra bit.  My friend was very happy with it and put it on her wall right away.

Create a piece of art - large or small - for someone special in your life.

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