Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Some Past Work...

Prompt #48 for Prompt 60 was Rainbow Spheres.  In my book, I was dealing with two different kinds of paper next to each other:  the left page is regular drawing paper and the right side is watercolour, so I know my spheres would turn out differently.  Acrylic paint was used on the left side after covering the page in Black Gesso.  I left the watercolour paper as it was and painted my spheres.  Adding the opposing dots came at the last minute because I thought the pages looked a bit empty.   This was a good exercise to practice blending both types of paints.

I was just playing around with paint, stencils and chalk pastels for this mixed media piece.  I added some script from a rubber stamp - embossing it with gold; stamped and punched out some circles and cut them in half before attaching them to the page; and I added three little watch faces that I took apart….which is not an easy task!  I like this piece, I think, because I've used colours that I don't usually use - it's quite a soft page.

Go out of your comfort zone and create something everyday.

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