Thursday, July 9, 2015

Week Three - Icad 2015

This week theme was collage with varying prompts each day - I didn't always stay on prompt, but I did collage all week.
This first card started with a watercolour rainbow layer and I added layers of magazine colour, tissue and kleenex.

The prompt for today was Greeting card - so I took my "teeny tiny Greetings" stamp set from Stampin'Up and stamped all the greetings and punched them out with the word window.  I lined them up on the index card and covered them with a dark piece of printed tissue.  Afterwards, I circled each of the greeting with white Sharpie.

The theme for this day was Wasi Sabi - which I had to research.  I added one of the feathers that I've been picking up along my way to school.  Once I attached it, it was no longer perfect because it was spread apart, but it still presented beauty in it's new form.

This theme was treehouse - I took a whole different take on it and found a bird cage charm that I added to the limbs of the tree.  The wonderful birch paper is leftover from a Stampin'Up Thanksgiving kit.

When I read snow globe for the theme I saw blues, so I created a blue ombre effect on the index card, spread on some glue and sprinkled some flakes on it.  Once they were dry I spritzed it a bit with spray ink.

Colour wheel is pretty easy - and I entangled in each of the sections.

I didn't keep to any particular prompt for this final card of the week.  The background had been done previously with a gelli plate.  I just added some doodles and some writing I overapped to make it hard to readl.

Create something everyday,

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Quick Mandala

This mandala came together quite quickly - and the strokes.  I like the stained glass look in the central section.

Create everyday

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Hand Bound Books

 I spent some time outside putting fabric on the spines of the covers I'm getting ready for my new books.
Next step was to sew the signatures together for the insides of the books.

Another day outside gluing the signatures together with a piece of fabric.

The books are finally ready with a wee bit of embellishment on the covers.

Create everyday
Even if it's a number of days in a row.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Book Covers, Quotes and Zentangles

I'm in the process of making a journal to take with me on vacation to Scotland.  I was going to cover the cover with tartans that my family can wear, but when I smushed the covers together with paint I loved what happened… I guess the tartans are going to be in different sections of the book. 

Another quote in my quote books

I usually do the my zentangles in black - I have trouble with colour- so we must practise practise practise!

Create every day

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Cat tails and trees

Had a wee bit of difficulty doing my index cards with a  cat in my lap.  She doesn't come all the time, but oh when she does, she is so needy!!!!!!!

Had some fun this night playing with a couple of sea sponges.   This is outside of my comfort zone - but I had fun.

Create everyday

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Blue Zentangles

This was a page that didn't start in quadrants, but after the central design the page became sections of zentangles alternating between black and white sharpie  paint pens.

Create everyday.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Zentangle Breakfast

Sat eating breakfast at a hotel and it didn't take long for me to fill my little 6x6 Zentangle book with this  bunch of zentangles.  I had fun doing it.

Create something everyday

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Icad 2015 - Week 2

During this second week of icad there were some interesting prompts.  The week prompt was paint - watercolour - and I appreciated practising more with my watercolours.
The first day was grapefruit and cherries… I did my best to draw the two together.

#9 was carrots and lemons.  I think my lemons look a bit like potatoes.  I washed the "index" card with green, orange and yellow.

I ended up going to a seed catalogue to get some pictures of eggplants for this card - I did my best to colour the background of the card ginger.  I used Stampin'Up!'s "Elegant Eggplant watercolour wonder crayons to outline my pictures of the eggplants.

Lime and Mango made me think of sorbet done in watercolour.

I don't like everything I create but I do love this little kiwi.  The prompt was kiwi and parsnips.  To be honest - I HATE parsnips.  The only way I can eat them is when my Grandma would make parsnip fritters, and then I had to to lather them in butter.  But this little kiwi likes them just like they are.

#13 was plums and blueberries.  I used Stampin'Up!'s Perfect Plum- I covered it with dark blueberry circles and doodled with a white sharpie.

Salt and Pepper was the final prompt of the week.  I drew the shakers on a grey background colosuring in each bottle with an appropriate colour - then I splattered the card with black and white.

That's it for index cards for a week - 
Cretate every day.